Field manual us army infantry rifle platoon and squad 2001 electronic item downloadable pdf format easy print 411 pages mb 1year download access 365 days unlimited download number. Counterinsurgency open pdf 14 mb this field manualmarine corps warfighting publication establishes doctrine fundamental principles for military operations in a counterinsurgency coin environment. United states war deptdept of the army tech manual. A new army manual bans torture and degrading treatment of prisoners, for the first time specifically mentioning forced nakedness, hooding and other procedures that have become infamous during the. October 06, 2017 on october 6, 2017, the army released the latest version of its field manual, fm 30. Bbc news americas the obama approach to interrogation. To provide a generalized basis for the development and presentation of military police support doctrine in the field army, this manual uses a type field army combat force structure of two. Interrogation techniques revealed by the united states. Read oct 05 state department rattled by impeachment inquiry revelations. Army releases new interrogation manual article the. Fm2223 us army field manual on interrogation as of 2006 09. An executive order signed by obama now requires that interrogations of anyone in u. The army s news release stated that field manual 222. But rear admiral guter argues that it cant be the policy of the us to have more than one interrogation regime.
This question tracked interrogation approaches described in the army human intelligence collector operations field manual 25. The most recent revision was renamed field manual fm 222. It includes purpose of this chapter is to define the interrogation information on the various levels of. Army fm 3452, intelligence interrogation 1 is the armys standard for interrogation of captured enemy personnel.
This manual applies to every soldier in the army regardless of service branch, mos, or rank. Apr 28, 2009 on his second day as president, barack obama ordered the agency to use the army field manual as its interrogation playbook. The army field manual department of the army september 2006. The measure would also require that the army field manual be updated every three years so that it is consistent with us law and reflects current evidencebased best practices for interrogation designed to elicit reliable and voluntary statements that do not involve the use or threat of force. Sep 06, 2006 a new army manual bans torture and degrading treatment of prisoners, for the first time specifically mentioning forced nakedness, hooding and other procedures that have become infamous during the. Unless i enlarge my plot to include the impact of the wrong manual, of course. Although the army field manual contains a number of express and implied protections to ensure that these techniques are not abused, for the reasons that follow, the committee is right to raise concerns about the continued authorization of physical separation and field expedient separation even while other enhanced interrogation techniques have. Army and cia interrogation manuals cia manuals the 1983 manual and battalion 316in 1983, the human resource exploitation training manual 1983 methods were used by the u.
Specifically, it defines and discusses army values and leader attributes. The field manual was sometimes known by the code fm 3452. San diego field interrogation field report excerpts. Watch oct 04 mark shields and ramesh ponnuru on trump, ukraine and quid pro quo. Army leadership field manual has provided leadership training for every officer training program in the u. Of these the library of congress has identified the following issues in its collections, by date. United states army field manual on interrogation wikialpha. In the course of a normal duty shift, police patrol officers come into contact with a large number of citizens whom they serve. Fast, who commands the army s intelligence center at fort huachuca, ariz.
General john kimmons, on september 6th, 2006, when the most recent revision of the dod most recent field manual for interrogators was released. This field manual fm is a guide for military police, military police investigators mpis, and united states us army criminal investigations command usacidc special agents operating in. On the second day of his presidency, barack obama wanted to send a clear message. I got it to lend some reality to scenes in a story i was writing, but will have only marginal value. Some of the material was not officially declassified until february of 2004. This manual applies to any unit that has the primary or implied mission of performing nbc.
In new manual, army limits tactics in interrogation the. This list of publications includes all material necessary to manage and supervise a stryker driver training program. Dec, 2014 the army field manuals list contains 19 techniques. Only one of which, separation, is an overtly physical tactic. The united states army field manual on interrogation instructs military interrogators how to conduct effective interrogations while conforming with u.
It is based on lessons learned from previous counterinsurgencies and contemporary operations. This trade edition brings the manual s valuebased leadership principles and practices to todays business world. Sign up for 30 days free access to exclusive, behindthescenes reporting on defense policy and procurement. On his second day as president, barack obama ordered the agency to use the army field manual as its interrogation playbook. Field manual us army infantry rifle platoon and squad. The manual gives instructions on a range of issues, such as the structure, planning and management of human intelligence operations, the debriefing of soldiers, and the analysis of known relationships and map data. Jan 26, 2009 the army field manual department of the army september 2006. It was the basis for the initial interrogation techniques used at guantanamo. Technical manuals and other war department and department of the army publications were identified in fm 216 list and index of publications title varies. Army map the purpose of this field manual is to provide a standardized source document for army wide reference on map reading and land navigation.
Section 820 of this field manual 26 lists specific approaches that military interrogators should use when attempting to induce cooperation in an interrogation subject. In new manual, army limits tactics in interrogation the new. Frequently the contacts are initiated by citizens who, as victims or witnesses of crimes, call for police services. Jan 23, 2009 interrogations must follow army field manual along with the order to shut down the guantanamo detention camp, president obama put a stop to the cias use of extreme interrogation techniques on. Army releases new interrogation manual article the united. The army field manual does allow interrogation methods such as stress. The manual, originally written for cold war prisoners but updated in 2006, states that no detainee, regardless of nationality or physical location, shall be subject to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or. It 0606 us army interrogation operations internet archive. Field manual 3452 headquarters department of the anny.
The us army field manual on interrogation, sometimes known by the military nomenclature fm 3452, is a 177page manual describing to military interrogators how to conduct effective interrogations while conforming with us and international law. The new manual specifically prohibits many of the controversial enhanced interrogation techniques including waterboarding which brought the matter to public attention, and also stipulates that the list is not allinclusive of. Army, marine corps unveil counterinsurgency field manual. Cucv m1008 m1009 m1010 m1028 military vehicle technical manuals. This trade edition brings the manuals valuebased leadership principles and practices to todays business world.
Korean war field manuals 19491955 internet archive. Jan 29, 2009 the army field manual comes nowhere near the legal line of what you can do in an interrogation and therefore ties the hands of cia interrogators unnecessarily. Nbc reconnaissance open pdf 1 mb this publication is the doctrinal guide for nbc reconnaissance. Two component high explosives mixtures and improvised shaped charges. The other 18 are various forms of psychological interrogation. This publication is the doctrinal guide for nbc reconnaissance. It provides guidance on the planning and execution of nbc reconnaissance missions and chemicalbiological cb sampling operations. What does it feel like to be a military interrogator. How the worlds most dynamic organization prepares its leaders for battle, with valuable insights for todays business arena. Fast, who commands the armys intelligence center at fort huachuca, ariz. Army field manual, updated in 2006, lists 19 interrogation techniques, ranging from offering real or emotional reward for truthful answers to repeating questions again and again until the source becomes so thoroughly bored with the procedure, he answers questions fully and candidly.
The new york times reported that the pentagon was considering making the interrogation section public once again, but the pentagon made no formal announcement of its intentions. This edition of the us army leadership field manual fm 22100 establishes a unified leadership theory for all army leaders based on the army leadership framework and three leadership levels. This means that mattis could potentially push the army to alter the field manual to include things like waterboarding in its list of approved interrogation techniques, thereby. Dec 05, 2014 although the army field manual contains a number of express and implied protections to ensure that these techniques are not abused, for the reasons that follow, the committee is right to raise concerns about the continued authorization of physical separation and field expedient separation even while other enhanced interrogation techniques have.
Establishes leader attributes as part of character. Unit readiness rests on the morale, discipline, and training of its soldiers. Watch oct 04 mark shields and ramesh ponnuru on trump, ukraine and. Once you completed the transaction you will receive a link in your email to download the pdf field manual as many times as you want from the website. Fm2223 us army field manual on interrogation as of 200609. If the army field manual is going to be the reference standard for us interrogation policy, then it needs to be retooled and excised of provisions like appendix m and others that are glaring. Field manual 3452 headquarters department of the anny washington. Field manual, fm 216, list and index of war department publications. These interrogations were field level in the moment and i will not go into techniques but i can say that they make water boarding look lik. To link to the entire object, paste this link in email, im or document to embed the entire object, paste this html in website to link to this page, paste this link in email, im or document to embed this page, paste this html in website. In viet nam i had to interrogate prisoners on several occasions to get local intel on vcnva activities. General fast served in iraq from july 2003 to june 2004 as the.
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